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Due to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2,
effective 2020-03-17, San Francisco Bay Area [Linux] User Groups ([L]UGs) have suspended in-person meetings, at least for the time being / until further notice (including BALUG).

Virtual Meetings

Note that some [L]UGs are conducting virtual meetings.
This not necessarily a fully updated comprehensive list, but this is list of at least (some) San Francisco Bay Area [L]UGs known to be having / having started conducting virtual meetings.
In general see the LUG[s] Web site and/or list(s) for the most current information:

[L]UG/SIG (list(s)) first >=2020-03-17 virtual meeting last verified (still) having virtual meetings
Felton LUG (Felton LUG)
1st/3rd Sat., 11am TZ="America/Los_Angeles",
2020-05-02 2021-01-16
1st Sun., 11am-1pm TZ="America/Los_Angeles",
2020-05-03 2021-02-07
Pi.BerkeleyLUG (BerkeleyLUG)
3rd Sun. 11am-2pm TZ="America/Los_Angeles",
2020-05-03 2021-01-17
BerkeleyLUG (BerkeleyLUG)
2nd/4th Sun. 11am-2pm TZ="America/Los_Angeles",
2020-05-10 2021-02-14
Red Hat User Groups - San Francisco Bay Area 2020-07-01 2020-11-11
2nd Sat., 4pm-8pm TZ="America/Los_Angeles",
2020-09-12 2021-02-13
3rd Tu 6:30pm TZ="America/Los_Angeles",

Lists and other Activities/Updates

Please see also: meta-list_-_list_of_lists - note that many [L]UGs may have rather to quite active list(s), even if they're not currently meeting - and/or may have relevant updates and information, etc. on their Web sites.

Around the US (beyond San Francisco Bay Area - for San Francisco Bay Area, see further above) / and beyond

Absolutely by no means a complete list, but here are some LUGs that have started having on-line / virtual meetings:


AZ.US Phoenix Linux Users Group (Main: second Thursdays; Installfests: first & third Saturdays; Free Software Stammtisch: third Tuesdays; Linux/Cyber Security: second Thursdays) TZ="America/Phoenix"
AZ.US Ubuntu Arizona TeamUbuntu Arizona Team (first and third Sundays (IRC, also generally audio/video) TZ="America/Phoenix"
CA.US Orange County Linux Users Group (various Saturdays) TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
CA.US San Luis Obispo Linux Users Group (first Thursdays) TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
FL.US Northwest FLorida Linux User Group (generally first Mondays of even numbered months) TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
FL.US The Suncoast Linux Users Group (Pinellas Park) (second and third Wednesdays) TZ="America/New_York"
GA.US Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts (Sundays and Tuesdays) TZ="America/New_York"
IL.US Chicago GNU/Linux User Group (typically monthly on a Saturday) TZ="America/Chicago"
IL.US Rock River Linux Users Group (second Thursdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
IL.US Southern Illinois Linux Users Group (first Wednesdays and third Saturdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
IN.US Central Indiana Linux Users Group (typically first Wednesdays) TZ="America/Indiana/Indianapolis"
IN.US Fort Wayne Linux Users Group ("will commence holding online events soon" - (first Thursdays?) TZ="America/Fort_Wayne"
KS.US Lawrence Linux User Group (third Saturdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
MA.US Boston Linux & Unix User Group (third Wednesday) TZ="America/New_York"
MN.US Rochester Area Linux Users Group (generally: technical second Thursdays, socializing: monthly (varies) TZ="America/Chicago"
MO.US Saint Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG) (generally 2nd Wednesdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
MO.US Saint Louis Linux Users Group (STLLUG) (generally third Thursdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
MO.US Saint Louis MO - Newcomer Linux Users Group (generally fourth Tuesdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
NC.US Triangle Linux Users GroupTriangle Linux Users Group (second Thursdays) TZ="America/New_York"
NE.US Omaha Linux User Group (first Tuesdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
NJ.US Brookdale Computer Users Group BCUG Linux User Group meeting (second Wednesdays) TZ="America/New_York"
NJ.US (Clifton) New Jersey Linux User Group (generally second and last Wednesdays) TZ="America/New_York"
NM.US New Mexico GNU & Linux Users Group (every other Thursday) TZ="America/Denver"
NM.US Albuquerque Linux User Group (first Tuesdays) TZ="America/Denver"
OH.US Dayton Linux Users Group (third Thursdays) TZ="America/New_York"
OR.US OSU (Oregon State University) Linux Users Group (Tuesdays) TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
OR.US Portland Linux / Unix Group (first Thursdays) TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
TX.US Austin Linux User Group (second Thursdays) TZ="America/Chicago"
UT.US Provo Linux User Group (third Tuesdays) TZ="America/Denver"
VA.US Northern Virginia Linux User Group (every Wednesday evening) TZ="America/New_York"
WA.US Bellingham Linux Users Group (first Thursdays) TZ="America/Los_Angeles"

beyond US

AU Central Coast GNU/Linux Users Group (2020-09-02, …) TZ="Australia/Sydney"
CA Kitchener-Waterloo Linux User Group (usually on the first (non-holiday) Monday) TZ="America/Toronto"
IN Indian Linux User's Group - (South India) Chennai (Madras) (second Saturdays) TZ="Asia/Kolkata"
IN GNU/Linux Users Group of Mumbai (schedule varies) TZ="Asia/Kolkata"
JP Tokyo Linux Users Group (generally: Technical Meetings second Saturday of odd-numbered months) TZ="Asia/Tokyo"
UK Birmingham Linux User Group (generally third Tuesdays) TZ="Europe/London"
UK Liverpool LUG (first Wednesdays) TZ="Europe/London"
UK Manchester Linux User Group (third Saturdays) TZ="Europe/London"
UK Shropshire Linux User Group (second Thursdays & last Thursdays) TZ="Europe/London"
UK Surrey Linux Users Group (Bring-A-Box: second+fourth Saturdays) TZ="Europe/London"
UK Wolverhampton Linux User Group (every Wednesday evening) TZ="Europe/London"

Timezone Conversion

On any system with GNU date(1), included in GNU coreutils, you can convert a remote event's time/date to your local timezone's time/date using syntax as per the following example:

$ date -d 'TZ="Europe/London" 2021-02-13 14:00'
Sat Feb 13 06:00:00 PST 2021

GNU date(1) will use your system's TZ database to convert time/date correctly, including compensating for DST / standard-time issues at either your and/or the remote location.

It is also possible to generalize that syntax, to convert to a timezone differing from your local timezone, by prefacing the foregoing command with an output-timezone qualifier, e.g., as follows requesting conversion to Arizona time/date:

$ TZ='America/Phoenix' date -d 'TZ="Europe/London" 2021-02-13 14:00'
Sat Feb 13 07:00:00 MST 2021

Quoting must be as shown, and timezone names must be correct, or you will get errors or (worse) silent ignoring of the provided timezone qualifier.

balug/covid-19.1613631144.txt.bz2 · Last modified: 2021-02-18T06:52:24+0000 by michael_paoli