To Do List

[L]UGs/SIG(s) etc. To Do
d list password reminders default –> no
y list password reminders save user preferences & set to no
? mv /usr/lib/mailman/cron/mailpasswds to somewhere
y y remove/replace non-local mail aliases
d verified mailman is 1:2.1.29-1+deb10u5 (latest/last Debian buster 10.x)
i Mailman 3.x install/configure & migrations to
y y per domain mail aliases
i list anti-spam: SMTP reject list posting attempts from unauthorized
? ? DKIM
p Barracuda DNSBL remediation/removal
p Postmaster DNSBL remediation/removal (
p DNSBL remediation/removal
p SORBS spam DNSBL remediation/removal
p define value for SUBSCRIBE_FORM_SECRET in (CSRF token on subscription forms)
p consider real listadmin addresses, not alias
p consider balug-announce auto-add policy may get us on DNSBLs
p p automate list backups
h h unGoogleing of list ("rejected" 8-O ... for now)
y see: bad
y see: buug
p regular automated backup of list .pck file
h warm standby of list migration to (migration "rejected" 8-O ... for now)

Note that this is intended to be not just for BALUG, but in addition to BALUG, …
[Linux] User Groups ([L]UG)s / Special Interest Group(s) (SIG)(s) etc. "to do" list Notably covering in addition to BALUG, those also sharing or also using BALUG Virtual Machine (VM)
and/or having other common/overlapping interest(s) where it's been thought appropriate to list them here.

Priority ordering … Sort of kind of:

There's lots more to do and at least potentially do - older listing was getting quite dated - so mostly started afresh.
Nevertheless, older listing and its history may remain quite useful, e.g. for additional things that ought be done or considered, or done when there's available/willing resource(s)/volunteer(s) to do it.
So … older version and of course history (for this wiki page).